Learn one of the Aru languages
Since 2001, during every journey we made to Aru, we have compiled a small dictionary (lexicon would be more correct) of Bahasa Manumbai, the language spoken at Wakua. Multi-lingual Bahasa Manumbai-Bahasa Indonesia-English-French, this "dictionary" can help to “quickly” acquire some basic skills, to the delight of the villagers who love to hear foreigners talking to them in their language.
A couple of American linguists have lived in Dobo for several years and they lead a team of local researchers. Among them, Yemo Mangar, a resident of Wakua and one of our most faithful friends. With this team, and to a lesser extent our work, the language that Wakua shares with a few surrounding villages has now a written record. Try as well to learn some basics of the Bahasa Manumbai!